words of my neighborhood
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words of my neighborhood
given to grumbly growling
and big happy grins.

eclectic personal ramblings
unchecked verbosity
ruminations and pondering

why does the sock monkey love it so?

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last updated: 9/10/02, 9:04 AM
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February 2025
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It seemed somehow that politicians were very important. And yet, anything seemed important about them except their politics.

— G.K. Chesterton, "The Queer Feet", The Innocence Of Father Brown

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Death of a Red Heroine
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At Swim, Two Boys
Jamie O'Neill
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cool blogs by friends...
The Angry Robot - reviewing music and crushing all humans
silk velvet asylum - Karin's blog, formerly "Makura No Soshi"
Phil's Occasional Musings - college roommate from Georgetown U.
Bookslut blog - home to Jessa
Neon Sushi Is Good For You - Brenna!
Analog Roam - the triumphant return.

friends who are far too cool for blogging...
Lyndsay - professional penguin-hater
Monique - archivist at large
Michelle - ex-housemate, throws great parties
Cinerina - Karina's movie reviews with sass
Plow Monday - it's a band.
Rainer Maria - it's another band.
Paper Cup - A Buffy fansite by my partner in poetic crime from high school.

nifty antville neighbors...
random thoughts of a girl (multi-lingual, very nice photography)
Fischlog - another site with nice photography
errantville - snippets a go go!
Domino - photo fun with album covers

Austin blogs list
The Austin Index - a list of Austin bloggers.
Prentiss Riddle
The Yes/No Interlude

the rest of the blogs...
Beatbox - music, baby! music!
F Train
In Spite Of Years Of Silence
"Karl Hungus" - it's called a pseudonym
mechaieh's windowseat - she likes Brit mysteries
MegNut - viva the Cyndi Lauper ethic!
Neil Gaiman! - Renaissance man
NemoNine - now with regular updates!
This Modern World - Tom Tomorrow

frequent surfing...
Arcata Police Log
Arts&Letters Daily
Blogdex Top 25
Daypop Top 40
Daypop Top News
Exquisite Corpse
50 Word Fiction
MicroContent News
The Morning News
Mr. Beller's Neighborhood
Nausicaa.net - all things Ghibli
The Onion
Working For Change

rings of fire...
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The Pepys Project
Globe Of Blogs
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6/11/02, 9:48 AM

Why do I have to register to leave a comment at your site?

You can leave a comment anonymously by logging in as "otoguest", password "otoguest" if you prefer.

By registering, you enable Antville to identify you on your comments. It also prevents others from posting comments with the same nickname, masquerading as you. It's a favorite pastime of "trolls" to stir up flame wars in this fashion, so having a password protected identity system helps to preserve the civility of the discourse around here.

Antville also uses your login to provide a link to your website (if you have specified one) from your comments. Your wise words in this forum can serve as self-promotion for your own corner of the web. I know I, for one, will often click through to learn more about the person behind a particular comment.

Finally, once you've registered for one Antville site, you're registered for all of them. This enables some nifty features like the "subscriptions" option, which you can use to keep track of your favorite sites at antville.org and see which has been most recently updated.

If you find the login an annoyance, you can always ask Antville to cache your login information in a cookie, so you don't have to log in on subsequent visits to the domain.

You need not provide an e-mail address, but for the record it is my policy to make no use of it if you do provide one, other than to contact you in the event that the site is unexpectedly relocated and the old site is not available to redirect my loyal readers. In other words, probably never.


6/10/02, 2:58 PM

What's with the title of your site? And who is this "ototoro"?

The title "words of my neighborhood" comes from a variety of different sources.

The Lancaster, PA band The Innocence Mission, of which I am a fan, has released an album entitled "Birds Of My Neighborhood", and it is partly an homage to that album.

My login-name "ototoro" comes from a film by Japanese animated film director Hayao Miyazaki entitled "My Neighbor Totoro". If one translates the Japanese for this title (Tonari no Totoro is the romanji) in a more literal fashion, it can be read as "Totoro of my neighborhood", so it is also an homage to Miyazaki and that film.

In the film, there are actually three different Totoros seen inhabiting the forest near the home of the young girls Mei and Satsuki: O Totoro, Chu Totoro, and Chibi Totoro. O Totoro is the largest of the three, given to grumbly growling and big happy grins. He's my favorite of the three, and I identify very much with a lot of the themes in this film and his role in them, so that's why I chose "ototoro" as my admin name.

When you see a message from "ototoro" on this site it is, of course, from me.

I also chose "words of my neighborhood" because I was already imagining a photo project for myself that would involve taking pictures of interesting texts and typography within walking distance of my home. It may be another week or two before I get that posted, so you have something to look forward to.

Finally, the most important reason for "words of my neighborhood" is that it seemed to be the only organizing principle I could imagine for my willy-nilly approach to blogging. My site doesn't pigeonhole neatly as a political blog, photo blog, literature blog, diary blog, or any of the other various precision-focused blog genres. About all I can promise about this site is that I'll always be writing about the world around me. That may be the greatest weakness of this site, but I hope to also make a virtue of it in time.

I believe that no matter how global one's perspective gets, there's always an element of the local in their worldview. The internet, and changes in society in general, have complicated the notions of locality and neighborhood to some degree, but I think that ultimately everyone's words come from their neighborhood, however large or small, however analog or digital. These words are from mine.