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It seemed somehow that politicians were very important. And yet, anything seemed important about them except their politics.

— G.K. Chesterton, "The Queer Feet", The Innocence Of Father Brown

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Mix Art - Playlists and Compilations
6/20/02, 12:04 PM

O Third Cousin Twice Removed, Where Art Thou?

I'm taking a cue from Kenan over at Analog Roam, and starting a tradition of posting the track listings of compilations I make. I make some pretty bizarre and wide-ranging collections, so I hope it will prove interesting.

The first selection is a set of music somehow related to the music that graced the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack. It's a selection of classic folk and bluegrass tunes interspersed with modern blues / hip-hop / punk-rock tributes to those songs and the artists who made them famous. Or just the sound and style of them, in some cases.

I gave myself the imaginary audience of my ex-girlfriend for this one, since she adored the O Brother soundtrack. It will soon be winging its way to her as a house-warming gift for her new home in Colorado. If she likes this mix, my mission is accomplished.

Without further ado, then...

O Third Cousin Twice Removed, Where Art Thou?

  1. Eric Darling - What Will We Do With The Baby-O
  2. Last Forever - Jeanine's Dream
  3. Dave Van Ronk - Fair And Tender Ladies
  4. Gillian Welch - Acony Bell
  5. G.Love and Special Sauce - Everybody
  6. Retsin - dog and a butterfly
  7. Damien Jurado - Rosewood Casket
  8. Leroy Carr - Don't Say Goodbye
  9. Elizabeth Cotten - Freight Train
  10. firehose - In memory of Elizabeth Cotten
  11. Golden Gate Quartet - Didn't It Rain
  12. Robert Johnson - Crossroads Blues
  13. Ida & His Name Is Alive - Ain't No Lie
  14. TenSpeed - The Most Famous Capricorn
  15. New Lost City Ramblers - Pretty Polly
  16. Eric Darling - Poor Ellen Smith
  17. Leadbelly - Where Did You Sleep Last Night
  18. Serena Matthews - Will The Circle
  19. The Carter Family - You Are My Flower
  20. George Torey - Lonesome Man Blues
  21. Norman Blake - Going Home
  22. Odetta - Wade In The Water
  23. Gillian Welch - The Devil Had A Hold Of Me
  24. Last Forever - Ain't Going Down To The Well No More / Poor Lazarus

If you know me and want a copy, take me out for sushi and I'll probably be persuaded to burn you one.